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Lesson: Physics discovery verbs

As a private English teacher, İstanbul özel İngilizce öğretmeni, I encourage auditory learners to listen to authentic recordings during our private English lessons, İngilizce özel ders.  Listen to the video and find these English phrasal verbs, collocations, and idioms to talk about scientific discovery!  Categorize and memorize the new words:

Here are the phrasal verbs:
  • find out
  • fall downards
  • slow down 
  • time warp 
  • space bend

Here are the verbs:
  • abandon
  • embrace
  • endorse
  • observe 
  • measure
  • predict

Here are the idioms:
  • cast his eye over 
  • be on a roll 
  • get the ball rolling 
  • move things on
  • master the universe 
  • plug the hole 
  • build on a discovery
  • dark clouds hang over 
  • tear up the script
  • all was not well
  • open the door