I teach speaking English lessons to two children, 9, after they finish school at their home in Istanbul. The parents would like their children to practice listening to and speaking in American English so that they will be ready for international travel and study opportunities. I try to bring imagination, creativity, and movement to our lessons. In this lesson we imagine that we are playing baseball in the living room: the four corners of the Turkish carpet are the bases, the table is the pitcher's mound, and the couch represents the stands in the stadium. Together we catch and throw the imaginary balls, swing the imaginary bats, and run around the imaginary baseball field. We jump up, throw our hands up, and pretend to do a wave in the stands! I explain that cracker jacks are popcorn with caramel. We squeeze ketchup and mustard on imaginary hotdogs. Here are some of our expressions:
- Throw!
- Catch!
- Hit!
- The pitcher throws the ball.
- Throw underhand for a slow ball.
- Throw overhand for a fast ball.
- The hitter has a bat.
- The hitter hits the ball.
- The hitter runs to first, second, third, and home base!
- Home run!
- We are a team!
- The hitter misses the ball.
- Strike one!
- Strike two!
- Strike three!
- You're out!
- In the stands, the fans do the wave.
- The fans eat peanuts and crackerjacks.
- Root for the team!
- Cheer!
Take me out to the ball game
Take me out with the crowd
Buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks
I don't care if I never get back
Let me root, root, root
For the home team
If they don't win it's a shame
For it's one,
Three strikes you're out
At the old ball game