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Women leaders

More Turkish men than women attend my English courses, İngilizce kurslari, in Istanbul. Mastering the English language may allow business professionals to achieve a promotion, earn a raise, and participate more in English meetings, İngilizce toplantı. How do I attract more Turkish business women to attend private English lessons, İngilizce özel ders? As a private English teacher, İstanbul özel  İngilizce öğretmeni, I assign my students TED Talks to practice English presentation skills, İngilizce sunum becerileri.

This TED video "Why We have too few women leaders" with Facebook's Sheryl Sandberg asks these important questions:
  • What messages do we send the women in our lives?
  • What are the messages we tell the women who work with and for us?
  • What are the messages we tell our mothers, sisters, and daughters?
  • What are the messages for women who want to stay in the workforce?
Here are the three main messages:
  • Sit at the table.
  • Reach for the promotion.
  • Make your partner a real partner
  • Support both genders to work in the home.
  • Don't leave before you leave.
  • Don't make decisions to far in advance.
What messages would you send women? Write in the comments!

Continue with English listening practice with another TED talk lesson about emoticons