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Happy Chinese New Year 2017

I wrote this article for Capital Linguists. Check out the original article here:

Our translation company would like to wish our Chinese interpreters and Chinese translators a happy Chinese New Year. Just like the rooster, they wake up early and work diligently to deliver the best quality Chinese interpreting and translation services. This Chinese New Year, also known as the Chinese Lunar New Year and Spring Festival, brings festivities such as family reunions, firecrackers, lantern festivals, parades, and traditional dance and music to Chinese communities worldwide. The Year of the Rooster begins on January 28, 2017, and lasts until February 15, 2018. Our translation company will be available throughout the two weeks of the Chinese New Year to deliver Chinese interpreting and Chinese translation support for important events, meetings, and conferences in Washington, DC.
This Saturday, wake up early and salute the sunrise as the Chinese lunar calendar enters the Year of the Rooster. The Chinese calendar follows a rotating zodiac of 12 animals: the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig. The Chinese Zodiac assigns each year with an animal and element. For example, 2016 was a Fire Monkey Year, and 2017 is a Fire Rooster Year. This connects people to astrology based on their year of birth. The Chinese Zodiac characterizes roosters as active, competent, confident, diligent, emotionally volatile, energetic, hardworking, honest, independent, observant, punctual, resourceful, talented, and talkative. Enjoying the spotlight, they may also be arrogant, moody, and vain.
Chinese conference interpreter and translator Philip Rosen would like to wish our Chinese interpreters, Chinese translators, and clients a happy Chinese New Year. He wrote the Chinese message and translated it from Chinese to English. Wish anyone a happy Chinese New Year with this message:
银猴辞旧岁, 金鸡迎春来, 鸡年即是吉年, 在此新春佳节来临之际, 首都语言学家公司愿亲爱的朋友们, 事业家庭两美满, 财运事运两兴旺. 如金鸡报晓, 前途开阔明朗; 如大鹏振翅, 境界万里摩云. 在过去的流金岁月中, 得交诸位朋友, 甚慰平生. 古人言“白头如新, 倾盖如故”. 君子之交澄澈如水, 亦若松柏四季常青. 愿大家幸福天长地久, 愿我们友谊地久天长.
Here is the Chinese to English translation of the Chinese New Year message:
The Silver Monkey says goodbye to this past year as the Golden Chicken ushers in the new year. The year of the Chicken is an auspicious year. As we approach this year’s Spring Festival, Capital Linguists wishes our dear friends fulfillment in both the workplace and at home, along with prosperity and luck in money and career matters. May you have an open and bright future like the golden chicken that heralds the dawn. May your future be great and with enormous potential like when the mythical bird unfurls its wings and is able to travel anywhere below the high clouds. To have gotten to know all of you over these past great years has enriched our otherwise uneventful lives. There is an ancient saying which means some people may know each other for their entire lives but not really be close at heart, while others may have just met but hit it right off and become close friends quickly. The relationship between true gentlemen is as clear as water, and it’s also evergreen year-round like pine and cedar trees. May your happiness be everlasting and our friendships stand the test of time.
We welcome everyone to send our Chinese New Year message to their Chinese colleagues and friends. Also, we would like to thank our Chinese interpreters and Chinese translators for their hard work and talent while delivering top-quality Chinese interpreting and translation services for our translation company. Be a rooster and spread the word about the importance of high-quality Chinese interpreting and translation for the Year of the Rooster. May we all wake up early with the energy of the fire rooster. Happy Chinese New Year!
Capital Linguists provides Chinese to English interpreting and translation services with the best and most qualified Chinese translators and Chinese interpreters. The translation company’s Chinese interpreters excel at delivering high-quality Chinese simultaneous interpreting, Chinese consecutive interpreting, Chinese court interpreting, and over the phone interpreting services between Chinese and English. Certified Chinese translators deliver precise, accurate, and clear translations for documents.
Orignally written for Capital Linguists