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As many earthworms live in my garden, I can easily bring a few in an envelope to my English lessons with children in Istanbul. I dedicate this lesson to Rita because she always expresses her curiosity about nature and gently handles the insects.

Earthworm in the dirt in Istanbul on May 27, 2014

Earthworm in water on paper in Istanbul on May 27, 2014
  • Describe the earthworm:
    • The earthworm has lots of lines along its thin body.
    • It is light pink and dark purple.
  • Where does the earthworm live?
    • The earthworm lives underground in the dirt.
  • What does the earthworm do underground?
    • The earthworm eats dirt, digs tunnels, and sleeps.
  • How does the earthworm move?
    • When active, the earthworm wiggles, crawls, inches along, loosens the dirt, and digs tunnels.
    • When inactive or passive, the earthworm lays still.
Read Willie the Worm and His Home in the Soil by the Green Education Fund (2010) to answer these questions:
  • What's another word for 'dirt'?
    • soil
  • What lives in the soil?
    • spiders
    • ants
    • millipedes
    • woodlice
    • termites
    • earthworms
    • prairie dogs
    • ground squirrels
  • How do earthworms help plants?
    • Plant roots spread out better after the earthworms dig air tunnels and loosen the soil.
  • How can we help the soil?
    • Make compost.
    • Keep the earthworms.