The Guardian's interactive report decodes Snowden's leak of the NSA files with video, audio, and graphics. What do the revelations mean for American teacher and a Turkish student?
Who is Snowden?
He is a whistleblower! He blows the whistle on the government. He leaks government secrets.
Here are the activities:
Who is Snowden?
He is a whistleblower! He blows the whistle on the government. He leaks government secrets.
Here are the activities:
- Listen to each speaker debate the priority of national security vs. digital freedom. Who defends surveillance for national security? Who criticizes the damage of surveillance on digital communication?
- Go to the "Three degrees of separation" section. How many Facebook friends do you have? How many people are three "hops" or degrees from you? Describe the resulting graphic.
- Go to the "Legal case" section. What laws allow the NSA to spy on an American outside the U.S.?
- What does FISA stand for? Are the FISA court proceedings open to the public or secret? Who petitions the FISA court -- the U.S. government or citizens?
- What does the U.S. lose from the surveillance program? Give examples of the damage to diplomacy, technology, and business.
- deceive, deception
- shroud in secrecy
- snoop on
- spy
- survey, surveillance
- eavesdrop, eavesdropping
- intrude, intrusion, intrusive
- intercept
- covert
- cyberattack