Sophie and her daughter Sophia pray at the Church of the Sacred Heart in Roslindale, Massachusetts, on July 3, 2009. Sophia holds a photograph of her father who was unable to attend this service. Prayers in Haitian, French and English focus on faith through financial difficulties, solitude without partners and the economic recession without jobs. The congregation motivates each other to guard a positive attitude through singing and dancing. The sermon of this Catholic service includes the message to stop overestimating the problem and underestimating G-d:
Dans nos situations chaotiques, dans nos problèmes, nous devons découvrir la presence du maître prés de nous. Lorsque la tempête menace ta vie, cherche Dieu avec plus d'ardeur. Cherche Dieu, tu le trouveras si tu le cherches de tout ton coeur et de toute ton âme. Lorsque la tempête menace ta vie, prends une position de foi et combats avec les armes spirituelles.